55 Maree Street, Potchefstroom, 2531

+27 18 297 0962 info@easeacc.co.za

Payroll Services

When we take on your payroll duties we will assign you a professional as your exclusive contact for all your payroll issues and requirements. If you don’t have in-house payroll expertise, this approach will reduce your costs,risk and the administrative burden of employing experienced payroll personnel. This type of payroll service not only provides continuity, but we build a long lasting relationship. We also provide more specialist tax advice for both employees and employers of new companies starting business in South Africa for the first time. Our payroll expertise is further enhanced by in-house tax, accounting and financial services. All our clients are made aware of all statutory requirements as well as changes and we will provide you with a service level agreement to ensure performance expectations are understood, monitored and achieved. We work with different payment frequencies – weekly, monthly and irregular intervals. Our payroll services include:

  • PAYE, UIF,SDL and COID registration for companies employing staff in South Africa for the first time
  • advice regarding South African employees retaining social security liability in their home country
  • emailed or printed payslips for all staff
  • all calculations as well as submission of PAYE, UIF,SDL and COID
  • electronic filing of IRP5 reconciliations
  • management reports tailored to your individual requirements
  • paper or electronic data submission for amendments via email
  • facility to import/export payroll data to Excel/CSV
  • flexible deadlines for submitting payroll information
  • ability to allocate costs by percentage or a fixed amount across departments/cost centres
  • email EFT payment list to client, including payment to third parties such as SARS, pension, medical aid, etc